Living a fabulous life isn't easy, but I do it flawlessly! Of course I am not going to toot my own horn (beep-beep!), but this is not another blog from yet another pretentious person who thinks they are more fabulous than reality. Instead, I detail the makings of a fabulous life no matter where you are in life. It does not take a lot of money to live a fabulous life, just a lot of creativity. Honestly, being fabulous is a state of mind and I plan to help get you there, fabulously of course!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fabulous or Faux Fabulous: Jeggings

One of my friends recently asked me for my opinion of Jeggings (jeans + leggings = jeggings) on Twitter. I love her dearly, so it took me a second to formulate my answer because she had already purchased a pair. Jeggings fall in the same category to me as Uggs. Do not get me wrong, I own a pair of Uggs myself, but I would not call them fabulous. I consider trends like these to be comfortable fashions because they are trends started by those who wish to make being fashionable more comfortable. Unfortunately, fashion is not about comfort. Here is my rationale: if you would not wear these items to a fashion show, then they may not be that fabulous. I would not say throw out these items if you have them in your closet, but they should only be worn when running to the grocery store, when out shopping, etc. Get my drift? Because Jeggings are more of a comfort item than a fashion item, I have to stamp them faux fabulous. All my FAB ones out there let me know what you think below and be sure to vote in the poll as well.



  1. I definitely agree that jeggings are not that fabulous... However, if you feel fabulous in them, WERQ IT HUNNI! In recently months, we have seen some fabulous people rock some jeggings with a funky pump and a nice sweater or shirt. So to answer Ashley's questions: if you brought them and they are fabulous to you, then WERQ IT HUNNI!!

    Love. Peace. Blessings.


  2. That is true Renell, when you are fabulous, you are able to wear a trash bag and make it work!!!
