Living a fabulous life isn't easy, but I do it flawlessly! Of course I am not going to toot my own horn (beep-beep!), but this is not another blog from yet another pretentious person who thinks they are more fabulous than reality. Instead, I detail the makings of a fabulous life no matter where you are in life. It does not take a lot of money to live a fabulous life, just a lot of creativity. Honestly, being fabulous is a state of mind and I plan to help get you there, fabulously of course!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Some Fabulous Tips to Use When Applying Liquid Makeup

After talking to one of my coworkers/friends (Yes, you Daena), she told me how she was on YouTube and saw a video about how to apply liquid makeup. She told me the person said to wet your brush before applying liquid makeup and I almost passed out at work. In case you are wondering why I almost had a fabulous attack, it is for two reasons: you never want to add more water to a liquid product and I could not believe someone would recommend this to people.

I have never mentioned this before, but a lot of the information I talk about I learned about while working at Nordstrom. While there, I interacted with a lot of vendors and product specialists who provided me with an enormous wealth of information. So when I write tips about how to do certain things, I am not Googling this information, it comes from the knowledge I have acquired over the years.

Since liquid make-up already has a high water content, wetting the brush will just dilute the product and application of the product will not be as smooth as it should. You would never apply makeup on your face while it is still wet, so you definitely would not want to add water to a product when it is not needed.

When it comes to liquid products, I recommend not applying them directly to your face. I always put a small amount in the corner of my hand between my thumb and forefinger. If you are mixing products, you may want a more solid surface like a plate or palette.

I prefer to put it on my hand because it warms it up which makes it easier to work with before I apply it on my face. Another reason I put it on my hand first is because I am able to control how much product is applied and am able to add more as needed.

When I do finally apply it to my skin, I dab it and let it sit for a minute so the water is able to evaporate. This also warms the product up a little more (or cooks the product as some people say) so it is able to blend better into your skin. After the texture starts to change, I then work the product in using a brush for a flawless finish.

Always use brushes instead of sponges because sponges will absorb more of the product and do not provide the best application. A brush allows you to apply the right amount and applies it smoothly to provide a natural look.

I also recently heard about another tip which I recommend never using. If you have acne prone skin, never use baby oil to remove makeup from your skin. I know it is perfect at removing make-up, but there are many oil free makeup removers on the market which do a good job such as Neutrogena’s line of makeup removers. Remember: you never want to use anything with oil in it on your face because it does not take much to clog your pores.

For more information on foundation application, read my blog article “Face Fabulous” where I discuss how to apply your foundation so your face looks fabulous.

There is a lot of information out there, so I say be cautious and question it if it does not sound right before you do it. When in doubt, always ask an expert to see if they have heard of the method. I want to make sure you are all Fabulous and not Faux Fabulous, so make sure you are careful when it comes to tips to keep you fabulous.

Because to be fabulous, you have to know what makes you fabulous!

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