Living a fabulous life isn't easy, but I do it flawlessly! Of course I am not going to toot my own horn (beep-beep!), but this is not another blog from yet another pretentious person who thinks they are more fabulous than reality. Instead, I detail the makings of a fabulous life no matter where you are in life. It does not take a lot of money to live a fabulous life, just a lot of creativity. Honestly, being fabulous is a state of mind and I plan to help get you there, fabulously of course!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being Fabulous Does Not Equate to Being Stuck-Up

I often get told that people are shocked I am so nice because I do not seem like I would be. After thinking about this for a moment, I figured out why: most people who are considered fabulous act stuck up, so these two terms over time have become synonymous.

When I described my blog I said, “I do not think I am more fabulous than life.” But truth be told, there are some people who do. Being fabulous in no way means a faux fabulous attitude is required. Humility is imperative no matter how fabulous you are at the end of the day because we all put our pants on one leg at a time.

It really does not matter which designer clothes you wear, the car you drive, or the size of your house. These things are all nice (trust me, they are), but they are just things. At the end of the day, being fabulous requires no external assistance. There is nothing wrong with employing the accoutrements of a fabulous life, but to be fabulous, it is really all about you.

Let me tell you, if you put on a trash bag and walk outside and you are really fabulous, people will still see how fabulous you are in life. So stop getting caught up on the images portrayed in the media of fabulous and define it for yourself.

Because to be fabulous, you have to know what makes you fabulous!

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