Living a fabulous life isn't easy, but I do it flawlessly! Of course I am not going to toot my own horn (beep-beep!), but this is not another blog from yet another pretentious person who thinks they are more fabulous than reality. Instead, I detail the makings of a fabulous life no matter where you are in life. It does not take a lot of money to live a fabulous life, just a lot of creativity. Honestly, being fabulous is a state of mind and I plan to help get you there, fabulously of course!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fabulous Event Etiquette

I originally wanted to publish this post before Christmas, but I then decided to push my blog launch into the New Year. However, this is an important topic, so I definitely want to make sure I talk about it with everyone, especially since the weekend is right around the corner.

When attending celebrations or events at someone’s house, you should always take a nice bottle of wine or alcohol with you as a gift. I learned this while attending Oprah’s School of Gifting (maybe this is not a real school, but I think I sound fabulous when I say it, at least I think so).

I was taught you never want to show up to someone’s house empty handed, but the person who came up with this concept had an ulterior motive. I believe the person went to the house of enough people where there was horrible alcohol, so they came up with this polite way to bring their own, and then it became proper etiquette.

Everyone has been in that awkward situation when you are at someone’s house and think to yourself, “Who bought all this cheap alcohol?” At times like this, you always are able to open what you brought. My biggest pet peeve is when people bring the cheap, I mean inexpensive alcohol and are the first to drink the good stuff. (Um-hmm, I see you with your faux fabulous self.)

No one judge me, but when I attend functions and throw my own, I always take notice of who brings the (I have a good phrase for it) “less than desirable” alcohol. I either will never invite you over again or I will make sure I fail to arrive at an event at the same time you do so I am not associated with your “less than desirable” gifting habits.  

Here is my rationale: being fabulous is a lifestyle, so do not come to an event wearing Gucci, but you brought Pearl vodka and are running for the Ciroc the second they open the bottle. I am not saying you have to gift top shelf alcohol, because I do not depending on the event and whose event it is, but a fabulous person would never give others alcohol they themselves would never drink. Plain and simple.

So when getting ready to attend your events this weekend, please keep this in mind because people will talk about you no matter what, so just make sure you give them something fabulous to talk about.

Because to be fabulous, you have to know what makes you fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true, the girls that bring cheap cocktails always run 4 the ciroc! #Fail
